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Internet Explorer 11

Internet Explorer 11
Internet Explorer 11 let users, developers, and IT professionals experience the state-of-the-art immersive and desktop browsers, enabling the creation and use of next generation web apps, games, and media. Internet Explorer 11 continues our vision of allowing users to experience the web in a fast, fluid and seamless way that is perfect for touch. New and updated features include:
Faster web browsing. Allows network requests to prioritize content, connecting users to information faster than ever before. Plus, with the new SPDY/3 support, Internet Explorer 11 Preview can provide faster and more efficient browsing, even over slow networks.
Fast and fluid navigation. Back swipe feels instant with smarter web page caching, and with prefetch and prerender, many forward navigations (like getting to search results) feel instant as well.
Rich, hyper-fast 2D and 3D experiences. Supports the emerging Web Graphics Library (WebGL) standards, lighting up games and other interactive content, while still maintaining security, reliability, and performance. In addition, the interactive content in Internet Explorer 11 is now hardware-accelerated for DirectX 9 and later, including a software fallback option.
Great on all your screens, large and small. Supports gyroscope input and display orientation lock, making Internet Explorer 11 great for tablets. And, with side-by-side browsing, multi-monitor support, and high pixels per inch (PPI) scaling, Internet Explorer 11 is also great for large screens.
Improved compatibility. Internet Explorer 11 improves compatibility with web standards, other browsers, and real-world websites. There's updated support for popular web standards and changes that prevent older websites from displaying incorrectly.

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